Transport infrastructures, energies, territories, ecosystems and landscapes


Exploratory project
Year of call


How to correct disturbances of water flows feeding wetlands? State of knowledge and state of the art

How to correct disturbances of water flows feeding wetlands? State of knowledge and state of the art

A large majority of continental wetlands depend on water movements in their watersheds to ensure their wetting. Changing these water flows can compromise the functioning of these ecosystems and alter their biodiversity. Today, knowledge is empirical, piecemeal and not readily available to those responsible for proposing corrective measures to reduce the impacts of linear infrastructure on wetlands.
Yet several recent examples have shown that it is possible to make compatible transformations of the occupation of space with the conservation of neighboring wetlands; this makes it possible to avoid compensatory measures that are often expensive and risky.
The aim of the project is to draw up a state of the art in this field by gathering the bibliography, by studying recent examples and by drawing on the reflection of a group of experts confronted with these questions.
The infrastructures concerned are underground networks (electricity, gas, water, etc.) and surface networks (roads, railways).

Responsable(s) scientifique(s)
Scop Sagne
jacques [at]
Rapports et synthèses
Rapport final

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